#125 Taxes – Lesson 1
Abridged Radio Program
Synopsis: Program #125 3-23-2014 “Taxes – Lesson 1”
‘Tis tax season and Program #125 is the first in a two-lesson series on the Bible and taxes. The word “tax” is used 33 times in the New Testament, undoubtedly because taxes are such an integral part of life. Taxes test our beliefs and values. In the first lesson I deal with the problem of the amount of taxes. In the second lesson I deal with the problem of how taxes are collected and recent congressional legislation to reform the tax code.
I begin Lesson One by explaining how Christians should remind the world that a government under Christ would never put upon the people the tax burdens that now exist. His yoke is easy; His burden is light. I explain the never-ending fight against a bureaucratic class of overlords who rent-seek in order to secure personal wealth. I discuss some biblical examples of taxation, the nature of the Roman tax, and the colonial tea party. I conclude with an exposition of Matthew 22 and Christ’s words, “Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar .”
Scripture References: Daniel 7:7, Isaiah 26; Revelation 13:17; Hebrews 11:10; Luke 22:25-26; Matthew 20; Acts 5:37; 1 Kings 12:13-16; Luke 3:12-13; Matthew 22:15
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