#157 Supreme Court Refusal
Abridged Radio Program
Program #157 – “Supreme Court Refusal” –
11/02/2014 – Synopsis
October began with homosexuals being able to marry in 19 states. By October 6th, 35 states had legalized homosexual marriage. The tide has turned, and now the majority of states no longer prohibit same-sex marriage. Why the sudden change? Over the past year liberal judges have ruled that provisions in state constitutions which prohibited same-sex marriage are a violation of the U.S. Constitution.
On October 6th the Supreme Court announced it will not hear the states’ appeals to these cases. By not acting the Supreme Court is siding with these lower court rulings. The courts have once again overstepped their boundaries by reading into the U.S. Constitution moral positions which are not specified. Only three states have legalized homosexual marriage by the vote of the people; all others have been forced by the courts to sanction it.
Program #157 discusses the recent developments, the history of judicial activism, the legal arguments used to justify same-sex marriage, and what to expect in the days ahead.
Scriptures Referenced: Deuteronomy 1:17; Jeremiah 5:30-31; Zephaniah 3:1-4; Isaiah 5:20-21; Isaiah 3:10-11; Luke 22:53; Revelation 12:12; Psalm 34:7; Psalm 11:2-7; Proverbs 29:16; Psalm 64:2-10
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