#29 Born Again
Abridged Radio Program
Synopsis – The New Birth – Program #29 – November 14th, 2010
The program “The New Birth” discusses the unique and only solution to mankind’s problems—a supernatural change in the soul by the power of the Spirit of God. Not knowing about man’s fallen condition, and the promise of the New Birth, the leaders in every area of society look to human solutions and legalistic morality. One of the points made in the program is that the greatness of America is wrongly attributed to democracy rather than the presence of a “Born Again” populace.
The program covers the doctrine of the New Birth as taught by Jesus in John chapter 3, and how the New Birth was something Nicodemus should have understood from the record of the Old Testament.
A fuller explanation of the New Birth is available by way of a special off-the-air CD. This is available by request.
Below is the link mentioned in the program to the 1948 political cartoon produced by Harding
College, called “make mine freedom”
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