#76 “The New Pope”
Abridged Radio Program
God and Country Radio Program #76 for April 14, 2013 – “The New Pope”
The Roman Catholic fanfare accompanying the election of the new pope was to be expected. But the surprising news was the absence of Protestant refutation. The evangelical world was either silent or conciliatory. Granted, this was partially due to the media’s slant on the news, but the Evangelicals themselves have lost their doctrinal edge.
Martin Luther stated, “If I profess with loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, I am not a confessing Christian.”
The election of the pope was the most recent attack. It was the perfect opportunity for Evangelical Leaders to inform the public concerning the difference between the true Gospel and Romanism. Program #76, “The New Pope,” does just that.
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