
There is a famine in the land, “not a famine for bread or thirst for water but rather for hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos 8:11)

You may be among those who mourn the dearth of Biblical guidance on the issues facing this nation. There are many pundits giving their own opinions on utilitarian grounds, but few national leaders speak up for the Scriptures.

We have the firm conviction that the only way to truly change the mind of a nation is through the grass roots teaching and preaching of God’s Word, particularly, Biblical teaching about both personal salvation and national standards of holiness.

We would be greatly blessed if the Lord leads you to help us in this project. As the apostle John writes in 3 John 8, when we support those who minister for the sake of Christ, we become “fellow workers with the truth.” We would love for you to come on board and be part of the team.

We cannot presume how God plans to grow this program, but we have confidence that the Word of God will not return void. The program is already a great tool for evangelism and discipleship in the New York City area. If God provides the means, we can begin broadcasting multiple times per week and in other cities. I trust we will all be able to look back on this project someday and marvel how God used us and His Word to build His Kingdom.

One more word of encouragement–all donations go to pay for radio time and materials. I say this because, if you are like me, you wonder what happens to the donations given to ministries. Let me assure you that there are no salaries or board being paid.


How to Support us:

You can make a one-time gift, or you can be a monthly supporter. No matter how much you can give, it is the monthly supporters who best help us plan for the future.

For the present time “God and Country” is operating under the auspices of “Harbor Bible Fellowship Church.” Checks must be written out to Harbor Bible Fellowship Church.

Send to:
Harbor Bible Fellowship Church
1 Matawan Road
Laurence Harbor, NJ 08879